At the Arctic Circle in Lapland, in the small village Vuollerim lives some of the world’s rarest cows – Fjällkon.
It is the Nordic origin native breed, which is almost completely extinct. Swedish Mountain Cattle – Fjällkon.

Did you know that there are more tigers in the world than there are Fjällkor?
Fjällkon is a small, social, friendly cow that milks half the volume of a modern cow. But the milk is heavenly! It is from here that Mathantverket Vuollerim gets its milk for the award-winning artisan cheeses.
During the digital visit, you’ll visit the Fjällkor on a fairly ordinary winter day at their home in the Vuollerim Farm and learn more about them.
The digital tour is a paid product that takes about 15 minutes.
All surplus from this activity is used to save the breed Fjällko from extinction threats.
Welcome home to Fjällkorna at the Arctic Circle!
Read more and visit the Swedish Mountain Cattle>>